First of all, I would like to introduce you to the history of the Taiwan Securities Association (TSA), which was founded on February 23, 1956, by domestic securities dealers in Taipei City, Taiwan. Forty-two years later, due to the government's desire to establish a national association to consolidate the resources of securities dealers nationwide and to join international securities organizations, the Legislative Yuan passed an amendment to some provisions of the Business Associations Law. The government granted permission to the Association to establish a national securities dealers' association in January 2008. Securities dealers were required to join the Association as members to conduct business in Taiwan. Subsequently, the Taipei Securities Dealers Association and Kaohsiung Securities Dealers Association merged into TSA in July 1999, making TSA a single national securities association on April 4, 1998. It effectively conveys that the move enabled the TSA to fulfill its functions of communication and mediation."

TSA is a business organization that serves the industry with the primary mission of fostering friendships among securities firms, promoting the growth of securities firms, and collecting and consolidating the views of the securities industry to assist in the development of the securities market. TSA acts as a bridge between the authorities and securities dealers. On one hand, it leads the securities industry in maximizing the interests of securities dealers, and on the other hand, it assists securities dealers in complying with the regulatory requirements of the authorities and enhancing the competitiveness of securities dealers.

On July 29, 2022, TSA will hold the re-election of the ninth chairman of the board of directors. Thanks to the support of the securities industry, I am honored to have been elected chairman of the board of directors. In the future, I will work with the ninth supervisory team to promote the two major directions of innovative business and digital financial applications, assisting securities dealers in enhancing the room for business operation and cross-sectoral competitiveness, promoting the common interests of all securities dealers, and continuing to foster the soundness and expansion of the securities business. Securities dealers should also continue to promote the soundness and expansion of the securities business. Additionally, they should fulfill the role of practicing social welfare and actively promote financial investment for the benefit of all. By promoting investment-friendly work in various aspects such as online, smart, small-value, multi-commodity, and education, they can expand the coverage of financial services and provide investors with increasingly diversified securities dealer services.

Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to hearing from you and working together as we strive for a better securities market in Taiwan. Finally, we wish you good health and happiness.

Chen, Chun-Hong

Chen, Chun-Hong

Chairman, Taiwan Securities Association







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